Identity, Self-Image, and Self-Worth
We are opening the door for new people to participate in what could be the most empowering Life Transformation Workshop ever experienced.
The Bible tells us there is a pathway overflowing with life, and there is no death!
In this Ultimate Impact Coaching program
We will discover what the Bible reveals as
Identity, Self-Image, and Self-Worth
“Of all the subjects I have taught over the past 52 years, nothing has developed believers as effectively as Identity, Self-Image, and Self-Worth!”
Religion has led us to believe operating in faith and experiencing the abundant life is hard, demanding, and filled with tests and trials.
Here’s the question we must ask ourselves; “Since the Bible says just the opposite, are we willing to believe the Bible?”
What if you suddenly realized there is a way to walk with God and live in His promises that was easier than you ever imagined? Would you want to walk that path? Would you be willing to study to discover this way? Or, would you keep doing what you’re doing?
This is your chance to adjust your trajectory and land in the middle of the best life possible!
The Bible is filled with mysteries. They are like maps that lead to a hidden treasure. The difference is our treasure is a life of peace and joy.
Bible-Based Self-Worth
Bible-based self-worth is not built on the carnal, worldly concepts or mere positive thinking. This program is designed to help you connect with the power of God as you step into your true identity. The entire program is based on the finished work of Jesus. This Life Transformation workshop will possibly do more to help you wrap your life around Jesus than anything you’ve ever done!
this Coaching program will:
Simplify your walk with God
Transform your sense of self-worth
Unlock the doors that have restricted you to low self-worth
Partake in the benefits you’ve known but not experienced
Change the way you relate to everyone in your life
Give you the confidence to pursue your dreams
There are hundreds of promises of what God has already given us through Jesus.
People often ask me, “If He’s given these things already, why aren’t they happening in my life?” This is where so many people stumble and damage their confidence in God! Instead of discovering the answers the Bible provides, we tend to listen to religious traditions that have never worked!
Many words in the Greek and Hebrew language of the Bible reveal what God has given. However, even when something has been given, it must be received! God freely gave us all things that pertain to life and godliness. But until they are received and experienced, they bring no benefit to our lives.
So much of what we have been taught about receiving these wonderful benefits from God is based on legalism and dead works. As most of us know, we can’t earn these promises. If we could earn them, they would no longer be promises; they would be payments.
In the Old Testament, priests were prohibited from sweating in God’s presence. Sweat represents our strength and our efforts. God wants us to rely on His strength and effort. God’s effort was manifest in sending Jesus to the cross to bear our sins, deliver us from the curse of the law, and to die for our sins, which makes our penalty paid in full. Being raised from the dead is the assurance of the promise.
All this, and more, is what Jesus meant when He gave us an invitation to walk alongside Him while He carries the burden for our lives. He promised that when we let Him carry the load, it will be easy and light, not complicated and heavy. In other words, we will not sweat to earn what is freely given through Jesus!
We will launch our next Coaching Workshop:
Identity, Self-Image, and Self-Worth
on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 10 AM Central.
There are three dimensions where believers tend to live:
- The first is to be born again but never share in the quality of life Jesus purchased for us!
- The second is to attempt to follow God without knowing what is freely given. This is like the children of Israel who wandered in the wilderness; they never came into the promise God had given.
- Then there are those that know, believe, and receive what God has freely given. They enjoy freedom from the curses, provision from the promises, and an incredible intimacy with God, who leads them every step of the way
Three scriptures describe what God has already freely given that very few believers know, understand, and receive!
- Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), Galatians 3:13
- No curse in the Bible has any legal right to come upon us. I want to teach you how to walk this path of life so you no longer encounter the curses!
- For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. 2 Corinthians 1:20
- When we abide in Jesus, God’s answer to our needs is always yes, not maybe, not sometimes. Always.
- The Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. Colossians 1:12
- We need nothing other than being in Christ to be qualified for all the benefits of the Kingdom of God!
Because we have not discovered
Identity, Self-Image, and Self-Worth
There are what I call Pillars of Faith. These are the key realities upon which every aspect of our walk with God depends. These are the most essential truths upon which our faith rests. If we are unaware of these foundations, our walk of faith will never be exactly as it should be. In this Life Transformation Workshop, you will not merely learn the first pillar of faith; you will step into a new sense of identity, self-image, and self-worth. This could be the launching of the most important journey of your life!
You will discover everything you need to know about:
- Putting on your true identity
- Entering into a new dimension of authority
- Ending your struggle with low self-worth
- Entering into a life of biblical self-worth
- The secret to empowering what you have and who you are in Christ
- And much, much more
Just imagine entering a realm with God you have known but rarely experienced!
- Never being controlled by condemnation and low self-worth
- No more begging and praying to know God’s will
- Enjoying an abundance of self-confidence
- Discover this secret to one of the most profound promises in the Bible
- Put an end to wavering in your faith
- No more fighting with the devil for protection
- Experience an unparalleled degree of favor
- Enter into a realm of favor that opens doors you never imagined
- Igniting your prayer life beyond anything you’ve ever known
- Stop asking for what has already been given and start receiving
- Enjoy access to all God’s resources
- Abiding in God’s peace and provision
- And much, much more
Here’s what you get
Every week you get to participate in a live, online coaching event
- You will join people from all over the world making this journey
- You will have the opportunity to ask questions
- There will be live, online input from hundreds of other believers
- You will have the opportunity to share insights
- You benefit from the insights and testimonies shared by the group
- This can be built around your schedule
- If you’re unable to participate in the live event, you can view it at your convenience
You become part of a community of believers
- You can share your experiences
- Present your questions to the group
- Share testimonies that encourage and empower the entire group
Every week you will participate in a personal Life Lesson where you:
- Implement what you’ve learned
- Develop strategies for moving forward
- Move into deeper insights
Support Material
- Books, audio messages, or support material, designed to equip and support you in this journey will be put in your Dashboard at no extra cost
This group is a part of how I got to where I am today. In the past, when I made a mistake, I would have gone through a time of beating myself up, judging, and condemning myself. Now, I simply accept the reality that I made a mistake and let it go. I choose to love myself and accept myself as I am in the finished work of Jesus. I take personal responsibility and do what I need to do for myself and keep my peace.
This is the result of doing lots of Heart Physics and learning in this group. I am recovering from 55 years of emotional and sexual abuse, abandonment, rejection, anger, fear, and pain. I now live my life in a place of peace, and personal responsibility, choosing the life I want to live with great intentionality. I have set my intention to move on from here and grow some more. Thank you, Dr. Jim, for this group and the opportunity to learn the truth. – K.E.
When I posted in our group about a struggle, something shifted. I started feeling different from next day. God showed me love through all of you. You all encouraged me and suggested things I could do differently. I felt loved and cared for. I want to thank you all for your support. I really appreciate all of you who took the time to comment or share your experiences. – A.E.
I’m so grateful for this group and for Dr. Jim sharing all he shares, as it’s helped me pay more attention. For so many things, I’m forever grateful. Ultimate Impact has been a major lifeline for me in my own journey! Everyone has been so encouraging. Every teaching, personal insight, testimony of how some things have been applied, etc., has enriched my own life.
Thank you for following your inspiration to share! – V.S.
12 weeks of KNOWING (intentionally experiencing and feeling His awesome unconditional love) and today I realized a new reality in my heart! His love transforms me into the child, daughter, and princess He created me to BE, before the foundations of the world! And now IN TIME, I am walking that reality out, each new day…one small step at a time…and then suddenly while reflecting internally I realize that I am not the same person I was yesterday, last week, last year..etc!
Thank you so very much for last week’s sessions. They were truly transforming for me!!!! Love you new church family!!!!! – V.R.
Dr. Richards, never apologize for repeating the stuff you have told us. It’s manifesting in my heart and it’s a new way to pray for me and I am so encouraged. I don’t always share on here because I’m usually working in my mobile pet grooming van while I listen, but being a part of Ultimate Impact has been such a blessing in my life. I’m so excited to pray with impact! -J.F.
I don’t believe I would be where I am in my heart with the Lord if not for Ultimate Impact and all of you in this group and for Dr. Jim never stopping teaching us and lovingly guiding us along. Thank you and bless all of you. – P.P.
About Dr. Jim
Dr. Jim combines the Word of God, biblical health principles, scientific and medical concepts into a Biblical approach that aligns spirit, soul, and body, resulting in incredible health, emotional, financial, and spiritual breakthroughs.
He holds four advanced degrees in Theology, Alternative Medicine, Human Behavior, and World Evangelism. This training, plus nearly a half-century of personal ministry, counseling, pastoring, coaching, teaching, consulting, and motivational speaking, gives him the ability to communicate very complicated issues in the most practical, easy-to-understand manner.
Dr. Jim does not teach from theory. He has used the principles he teaches to build several successful businesses, including contracting, real estate, marketing, and personal coaching. As a national best-selling author, Dr. Jim Richards has written more than 20 books that have sold millions of copies worldwide.
He will bring a lifetime of resources and experience to you.
Follow Those who by faith and patience inherit the promises (Hebrews 6:12).
As servants of God, we are called to make believers whole by the love of God and then equip them to serve!
Over the last half-century of ministry, I have found that most people can live their destinies if we help them heal their hurts and come to believe they are who Jesus says they are… This doesn’t happen by merely listening to sermons. This happens by making a journey into discipleship.
After years of personal coaching and counseling, I wanted to find a way to help those who wanted to walk with God while fulfilling their dreams. A few years ago, I made adjustments in my personal coaching program and tailored it for use in a group. I started what we call Ultimate Impact: a personal coaching program! Thousands of believers from all around the globe are making an incredible journey with Jesus from believer, to disciple, to servant, to leader!
Please consider this your personal invitation to join me and people from around the world in Ultimate Impact: my Personal Coaching Program!