Return Policy
In order to provide the highest quality of service to our friends we inspect each returned product to understand and correct the problem.
At the point of sale it is the purchaser’s choice to obtain insurance on the package. Failure to obtain insurance means the purchaser is totally responsible for damages that occur in shipping.
Replacement of goods or refunds must meet the following requirements:
- Absolutely no refunds or exchanges are given after 30 days.
- For a refund or exchange contact an Impact representative at 256-536-9402.
- Goods must be returned to Impact before a replacement or refund is given.
- No refunds or exchanges will be given on damaged or unusable goods.
- Purchaser is responsible for all shipping charges on refunds or exchanges.
If goods are damaged when received it is the responsibility of the Purchaser to initiate the process of replacement or refund by doing one of the following:
- FedEx – Purchaser must notify FedEx within 15 days.
- UPS – Purchaser must contact Impact Shipping Department at 256-536-9402 ext. 271 within 5 business days.
- USPS – Purchaser must deliver the product, damaged packaging, and invoice to their local post office.